3 stappen naar de internationale markt: coaching traject voor NL ondernemers

In 2017 ORANGE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT, in samenwerking met Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), bood ORANGE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT het “coaching” traject SIB (Starters International Business) aan voor Nederlandse ondernemingen. Met deze service van ORANGE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT werden de ondernemers de mogelijkheid geboden een “coaching” traject te volgen dat hen in staat stelt om in drie overzichtelijke… Continue reading 3 stappen naar de internationale markt: coaching traject voor NL ondernemers

Projects in Lithuania, Belarus and Armenia

Over the years, Dr. Cees A.M. den Teuling has worked on various projects that have helped businesses, organizations, and government agencies to navigate the complexities of the Eastern European and international market. More information about projects, as well as recommendations are available on demand. Projects examples in Lithuania Support for Industrial production of fabrics for… Continue reading Projects in Lithuania, Belarus and Armenia

Projects in Tatarstan

Dr. Cees A.M. den Teuling was involved in various projects in the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan in particular. On this page there is an overview highlighting the research and consultancy projects conducted in Tatarstan. Together with his colleagues and on his own, Dr. Cees A.M. den Teuling traveled around Russia to gain insights into… Continue reading Projects in Tatarstan

CDT Business Support

CDT Business Support was established in 1991 targeted on the specific markets in Central- and Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation. CDT Business Support’s mission was to support small and middle sized enterprises in these countries. Consultants acted as a qualified adviser for the company owners and managers.  The fundamentals of CDT Business Support was… Continue reading CDT Business Support

Blue Ocean Strategy in practice

The Blue Ocean Strategy challenges common knowledge on competing in today’s crowded market place. Based on a study of W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne the strategy shows that lasting success comes from creating “blue oceans’: untapped new market spaces ripe from growth”. The topic is very actual for Russia and CIS economic environment in… Continue reading Blue Ocean Strategy in practice

Seminar Example: Leading a cultural complex change

Presented by Emmanuela D’Orival, HR consultant and executive coach for Orange Business Improvement Target audience: Civil servants of Municipal and Regional Administrations who have always been used to work in a traditional organizational model. Language of the seminar: English – French – Russian Objective: To implement a client oriented, efficient system of behavior. Solution oriented, practical… Continue reading Seminar Example: Leading a cultural complex change

Corporate Social Responsibility Training – Kazan example

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is still a new concept for the Eastern European companies and Russia. Dr. Cees A.M. den Teuling and Orange Business Improvement have developed a broad training program targeted at larger companies and authorities. This program has been a success also among management students and post-graduates in Russia (Tatarstan region). Corporate social… Continue reading Corporate Social Responsibility Training – Kazan example