Seminar Example: Leading a cultural complex change

Presented by Emmanuela D’Orival, HR consultant and executive coach for Orange Business Improvement

Target audience:

Civil servants of Municipal and Regional Administrations who have always been used to work in a traditional organizational model.

Language of the seminar: English – French – Russian


To implement a client oriented, efficient system of behavior. Solution oriented, practical .

Additional focus on collective and individual Leadership.

Pedagogical framework:

A combination of theory (contents) and practice (exercises, role plays, case study etc..)

Focusing on the pro- activity of the participants ; work on real business cases from their daily life that lead them to be much more effective and successful.

Level of Knowledge:

On middle/ higher education level

Theoretical/practical: Theoretical framework / with practical exercises / business cases for illustration.

Certificate: certificate of attendance will be delivered

Facilities: Location (class-,conference room) projector (beamer), screen, microphones, interpretation services (to provide).

Additional: Each seminar participant is entitled to receive a “Consultancy Quick Scan” for a day in his/her own organization, Free of Charge

Compensation: (to be discussed ) excl. travel, boarding & Lodging.

Plan of the seminar:


1st part

  • Presentation of the consultant and objectives, schedule of the day , group’s rules
  • Identification of participant’s concerns, priorities and expectations
  • Exercise: ‘Each participant presents his own vision of his administration (company) and his role in it and answers to the following questions:
  • ‘What do I understand about the objective of my company’ and ‘what do I understand about my specific and personal role?’
  • Contents about: “The modern effective organization” (strategy, shared vision, collective intelligence, client’s orientation, problems’ solving, the setting-up of internal appropriate management etc..)
  • Exercise in group: « Build a strategy and a common vision for our Administration that makes sense”. Co development session about their activity”. Feedbacks and feed forwards, hyper vision by the coach.
  • Participant’s presentation on the whiteboard/flipchart in front of the group of the vision, the deployment strategy, the human collaboration… and the necessary changes to do.
  • Contents on “Change Management” the change resistance, the five stages of grief

E. Kübler-Ross theory, the Hudson Cycle of change ( NLP) etc..

  • Coaching exercises by peers: ’Describe a case of a change in your life, how did it disturb you, where were your main difficulties, how did you get through it, what would you do differently next time?

2nd part

1. One typical ‘western company’ business case about a change management cultural organisation in a complex environment

2. Evaluation :

-‘The major points that each participant will keep and apply for the future’.

-‘The most important thing to apply in their behavior’

-‘What is really important to adapt for them ’

-‘The main leadership point to fit to as a professional’

-‘What would eventually be their main resistances ( sabotage)”


1st part :


-Efficiency (the know-how, the acceptance, the confidence, recognition signs, positive feedbacks )

-Personal impact ( Transactional Analysis basic concepts )

-Empowerment; (the G.R.O.W model)

-Decision making ( the NLP 6 psycho-logic levels R. Dilts)

-Active listening skills ( peer’s cross presentation)


-Communication skills ( Communication “Non Violente” theory and other)

-Persuasion, motivation ( the public speaking basics, team coaching role play)

-Delegation , incentive (the 10 principles of a successful delegation, etc.. )

2nd part:  Communication skills; “the Map and the Territory”.

Tips and short Role Plays for application : Topics; Circularity and mutual collaboration, self management, personal efficiency; priorities management, scheduling.

Tools: the ‘Sun Model’, Grant Diagram, Political Map, the T.A.S.K .

  • Collective and individual action plan
  • Conclusion
  • Overall Evaluation